Fixed Income Investors


  • Unrivaled leader in aviation leasing, with a globally-diversified fleet and customer base
  • Investment Grade ratings of Baa1, BBB+, and BBB by Moody’s, S&P, and Fitch respectively. Positive rating outlook by Fitch
  • Long lease terms lead to stable and predictable revenues and cash flows
  • Conservative approach to liquidity and funding, with a diverse set of secured and unsecured funding sources, and a commitment to maintaining a strong balance sheet
  • Adjusted leverage ratio of 2.35x as of December 31, 2024, below our target of 2.7x
  • Secured debt-to-total-assets ratio of ~12%
  • Attractive order book of exclusively new technology, fuel-efficient aircraft
  • Next 12 months’ sources-to-uses coverage of 2.0x, with ~$21 billion sources of liquidity

Debt Maturity Profile

Cash and Liquidity ~$21 billion

As of December 31, 2024; Form 20-F

Sources To Uses Ratio

As of December 31, 2024; 4Q 2024 Earnings Presentation

Credit Ratings

Statistics S&P Global Ratings Moody's Fitch Ratings
Rating BBB+ Baa1 BBB+
Outlook Stable Stable Stable
Issued June 2024 June 2024 March 2025
Lead Analyst

Jarrett Bilous

Mark L. Wasden

Johann Juan

Contact Details

+1 (416) 507 2593

+1 (212) 553 1653

+1 (312) 368 3339

Credit Ratings Evolution

Bar chart showing the evolution of AerCap’s credit rating with the three major credit rating agencies: S&P Global, Moody’s and Fitch. The X-axis represents time, the Y-axis represents the credit rating as defined by each rating agency. The charts show the evolution of AerCap’s credit rating with the three major credit rating agencies since 2015. The evolution shows a steady upgrade of AerCap’s credit rating over time, with the latest upgrades by S&P and Moody’s taking place in June 2024. This points to AerCap’s improving perceived creditworthiness as defined by the rating agencies.
Bar chart showing the evolution of AerCap’s credit rating with the three major credit rating agencies: S&P Global, Moody’s and Fitch. The X-axis represents time, the Y-axis represents the credit rating as defined by each rating agency. The charts show the evolution of AerCap’s credit rating with the three major credit rating agencies since 2015. The evolution shows a steady upgrade of AerCap’s credit rating over time, with the latest upgrades by S&P and Moody’s taking place in June 2024. This points to AerCap’s improving perceived creditworthiness as defined by the rating agencies.
Bar chart showing the evolution of AerCap’s credit rating with the three major credit rating agencies: S&P Global, Moody’s and Fitch. The X-axis represents time, the Y-axis represents the credit rating as defined by each rating agency. The charts show the evolution of AerCap’s credit rating with the three major credit rating agencies since 2015. The evolution shows a steady upgrade of AerCap’s credit rating over time, with the latest upgrades by S&P and Moody’s taking place in June 2024. This points to AerCap’s improving perceived creditworthiness as defined by the rating agencies.

Adjusted Leverage Ratio

As of December 31, 2024; 4Q 2024 Earnings Presentation

Debt Overview

As of December 31, 2024; Form 20-F

Total Unsecured 34,750
Senior Unsecured Notes 29,950
Other Unsecured Debt 4,775
Revolving credit facilities 25
Total Secured 8,537
Export Credit Facilities 974
Institutional Secured Term Loans & Secured Portfolio Loans 6,239
AerFunding Revolving Credit Facility 1,010
Other Secured Debt 313
Fair value adjustment 0
Total Subordinated 2,250
Subordinated Notes 2,250
Subordinated Debt Issued by VIEs 0
Debt Issuance Costs and Debt Discounts -243
Debt Issuance Costs and Debt Discounts -243
Total Debt 45,294
Total Equity 45,294

Outstanding Notes

As of December 31, 2024

Issuer Currency Maturity Amount Outstanding Coupon ISIN Documents
AerCap Ireland Capital DAC / AerCap Global Aviation Trust USD 2025 800,000,000 3.500% US00774MAC91 PDF HTML
AerCap Ireland Capital DAC / AerCap Global Aviation Trust USD 2025 1,250,000,000 6.500% US00774MAN56 PDF HTML
AerCap Ireland Capital DAC / AerCap Global Aviation Trust USD 2025 600,000,000 4.450% US00774MAG06 PDF HTML
AerCap Ireland Capital DAC / AerCap Global Aviation Trust USD 2026 1,000,000,000 1.750% US00774MAS44 PDF HTML
AerCap Ireland Capital DAC / AerCap Global Aviation Trust USD 2026 500,000,000 4.450% US00774MAL90 PDF HTML
AerCap Ireland Capital DAC / AerCap Global Aviation Trust USD 2026 3,750,000,000 2.450% US00774MAV72 PDF HTML
AerCap Ireland Capital DAC / AerCap Global Aviation Trust USD 2027 900,000,000 6.100% US00774MBD65 PDF HTML
AerCap Ireland Capital DAC / AerCap Global Aviation Trust USD 2027 1,499,156,000 6.450% US00774MBG96 PDF HTML
AerCap Ireland Capital DAC / AerCap Global Aviation Trust USD 2027 844,000 6.450% USG0114MAA56
AerCap Ireland Capital DAC / AerCap Global Aviation Trust USD 2027 1,000,000,000 3.650% US00774MAB19 PDF HTML
AerCap Ireland Capital DAC / AerCap Global Aviation Trust USD 2027 600,000,000 4.625% US00774MAR60 PDF HTML
AerCap Ireland Capital DAC / AerCap Global Aviation Trust USD 2028 550,000,000 3.875% US00774MAE57 PDF HTML
AerCap Ireland Capital DAC / AerCap Global Aviation Trust USD 2028 1,000,000,000 5.750% US00774MBC82 PDF HTML
AerCap Ireland Capital DAC / AerCap Global Aviation Trust USD 2028 3,750,000,000 3.000% US00774MAW55 PDF HTML
AerCap Ireland Capital DAC / AerCap Global Aviation Trust USD 2029 800,000,000 5.100% US00774MBJ36 PDF HTML
AerCap Ireland Capital DAC / AerCap Global Aviation Trust USD 2029 1,300,000,000 4.625% US00774MBL81 PDF HTML
AerCap Sukuk Limited USD 2029 500,000,000 4.500% US00782EAA10
AerCap Ireland Capital DAC / AerCap Global Aviation Trust USD 2030 850,000,000 6.150% US00774MBE49 PDF HTML
AerCap Ireland Capital DAC / AerCap Global Aviation Trust USD 2032 4,000,000,000 3.300% US00774MAX39 PDF HTML
AerCap Ireland Capital DAC / AerCap Global Aviation Trust USD 2033 1,500,000,000 3.400% US00774MAY12 PDF HTML
AerCap Ireland Capital DAC / AerCap Global Aviation Trust USD 2034 700,000,000 5.300% US00774MBH79 PDF HTML
AerCap Ireland Capital DAC / AerCap Global Aviation Trust USD 2034 1,100,000,000 4.950% US00774MBM64 PDF HTML
AerCap Ireland Capital DAC / AerCap Global Aviation Trust USD 2041 1,500,000,000 3.850% US00774MAZ86 PDF HTML
AerCap Global Aviation Trust USD 2045 500,000,000 6.500% US00773HAA59
AerCap Ireland Capital DAC / AerCap Global Aviation Trust USD 2055 750,000,000 6.950% US00774MBK09 PDF HTML
ILFC E-Capital Trust I USD 2065 600,000,000 FRN US44965TAA51
ILFC E-Capital Trust II USD 2065 400,000,000 FRN US44965UAA25

Debt Analysts

Firm Analyst Phone
Barclays Peter Troisi +1 212 412 5184
Deutsche Bank Doug Runte +1 212 250 9319
J.P. Morgan Mark Streeter +1 212 834 5086

AerCap Holdings N.V. is followed by the analysts listed above. Please note that any opinions, estimates or forecasts regarding AerCap Holdings N.V.'s performance made by these analysts are theirs alone and do not represent opinions, forecasts or predictions of AerCap Holdings N.V. or its management. AerCap Holdings N.V. does not by its reference above or distribution imply its endorsement of or concurrence with such information, conclusions or recommendations.

IR Contacts

Corporate Office

AerCap Holdings N.V.
65 St Stephen's Green
Dublin D02 YX20
T: +353 1 819 2010

Investor Relations

Joseph McGinley
Head of Investor Relations
T: +353 1 418 0428

Transfer Agent

Broadridge Corporate Issuer Solutions, Inc.
1155 Long Island Avenue
Edgewood, NY, 11717
T: 1-800-733-1121

Fixed Income Trustee Contact

Deutsche Bank